Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Harlin Kilstein

What are the top confidence killers, and how can you stop them in their tracks before they stop you?

This is the question that plagues people trying to become more confident and self-assured.

But it's not as hard as it seems.

Here's what you need to know:

Confidence is not the same thing as arrogance.

Confidence comes from within.

That doesn't mean that if you don't have "it" you're doomed forever.

It just means that bragging about your accomplishments and how confident you are does NOT make you seem confident.

It makes you look like a jerk.

Don't define yourself negatively.

Saying "I am too shy" or "I don't have that kind of confidence" will kill your confidence before you even begin.

Both confidence and lack of it are behaviors and beliefs that we learned, usually as kids.

The key to gaining confidence is changing these beliefs.

If there are people in your life constantly putting you down and blaming you, they are killing your confidence.

Disengage yourself from these negative people.

You don't need them in your life.

If you can't get rid of them, then you can make the decision NOT to listen to their negativity.

You're in charge of your own brain--you decide what you pay attention to and what you ignore as "background noise."

And as the master of your brain, you can do a few other things, too.

For instance, as soon as you start to get nervous, anxious, or shy, STOP.

Realize that your brain is just reacting the way it's been taught to react, and that you can change this reaction.

The fastest way to change this is by using the Physiology of Excellence technique to stop the negative mindset at the source.

A less effective method is by gradually imagining yourself as a more confident person, visualizing in great detail how you would react to the same situations more confidently.

This method generally helps, but can take months or even years to see improvement.

The Physiology of Excellence, however, is a brain-based technique that bypasses your conscious mind in order to get to the root of your negative beliefs.

Using this technique you can transform your "panic stage" or your bad habits into the trigger for the new, confident you.

Go here now to check out this technique for yourself:

And we are in the last day of our 50% off sale

http://physiologyofexcellence. com/rain.html


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